On November 16, 2021, the Réserve Naturelle had a stand at the Fête de la Science (Science Fair), at the Clair Saint-Maximin elementary school in French Quarter, where two classes have run an educative marine zone since 2018. The anatomical sculptures of marine animals captured the attention of these students, but it was the virtual reality headsets for underwater diving that really hit it out of the park. Planned for the morning, the event lasted throughout the day, so that the students—as well as their teachers–could experience this voyage under the sea, virtual, but oh so real.
Action PA5 The Réserve Naturelle At The Science Fair

All articles from: Newsletter-40
Ensuring environmental communication, awareness, and education
- 2 : Action MS1 Contribute To The Review of Marine Reserves (Priority 1)
- 3 : Action CS3 Develop and Test Restoration of Coral and Associated Species (Priority 2)
- 4 : Action CS4 Study the ichthyofauna (Priority 1)
- 5 : Action CS4
- 6 : Action CS5 Study marine biocenoces in and outside the Réserve (Priority 1) | Action MS35 Reinforce partnerships with Saint Barthélemy (Priority 1)
- 7 : Action IP6 Contribute to the rehabilitation of coral reefs and sea plant beds
- 8 : Action CS16 Study the beaching of individual marine animals in distress (Priority 1)
- 9 : Action CS13 Review of sea turtle egg-laying activity (Priority 1)
- 10 : Action PA7 Poursuivre et développer un programme de sciences participatives
- 11 : Action CS18 Sharks Filmed At A Depth Of 8 To 30 Meters
- 12 : Action PR1 Reinforce partnerships for the study of crustaceans (Priority 2)
- 13 : Action PA1 Former les opérateurs commerciaux en RNN
- 14 : Action CC2 Publish and distribute communication materials about our natural heritage (Priority 1)
- 15 : Action SP2 Continue to reinforce the role of the Environmental Police
- 16 : Action SP2 - Environmental Police Activities
- 17 : Action IP1 Control quality and quantity of activity on sites of sea plant beds | Action PA1 Train commercial operators in national nature reserves
- 18 : Action IP4 Monitor and intervene in the case of anthrotopic pollution
- 19 : Action PA5 Conduct pedagogical interventions in an academic (Priority 1)
- 20 : Action PA5 - Subjects Suitable For Students
- 21 : Action PA5 The Réserve Naturelle At The Science Fair
- 22 : Action PA5 A Motivated Intern
- 23 : Action PA5 Two Projects Promote Biodiversity
- 24 : Action CC2 Publish and distribute communication materials about the natural heritage of the RNN (Priority 1)
- 25 : Action PA6 Make the public aware of the goals of the Réserve and our natural heritage
- 26 : Action PA6 The Réserve Teaches La Samanna Clients About Our Natural Heritage
- 27 : Action CC2 Publish and distribute communication materials about our natural heritage (priority 1)
- 28 : Action MS20 Seek New Means Of Financing (Priority 1)
- 29 : Action MS20 Ensure technical and legal training for the personnel of the RNN
- 30 : Action MS21 Recruter, encadrer et former des bénévoles, stagiaires et agents (priorité 2)
- 31 : Action CS35Promote programs for the acquisition of knowledge about the RNN (Priority 1)
- 32 : Action CS35 Action CS35 Promote programs to acquire knowledge about the RNN (Priority 1) | Action PR2 Develop and promote scientific collaborations (Priority 1)
- 33 : Action MS37 Participate in regional network meetings and alliances (Priority 1)
- 34 : Action MS38 Participer aux réunions, maintenir et renforcer les partenariats avec les réseaux nationaux
- 35 : Action MS37 Participer aux réunions et partenariats de réseaux régionaux (priorité 1)
Réserve Naturelle Nationale de Saint-Martin
Lot 11 et 13 Rue Barbuda, Hope Estate, 97150 Saint Martin
Gestion : +59 0690 889 909
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Reserve.Naturelle.StMartin
Direction :
Pôle scientifique :
06 90 34 77 10 science@rnsm.org
Partenaires techniques et financiers de la Réserve naturelle
Partenaires techniques et financiers de la Réserve naturelle :
Préfecture de Saint-Barthélemy et de Saint-Martin, Direction de l’environnement, de l’aménagement et du logement (DEAL), Collectivité de Saint-Martin, CAR-SPAW, Agence des aires marines protégées, IFRECOR, TE ME UM
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