Action CS16 Study the beaching of individual marine animals in distress (Priority 1)

Tortues marines échouées, victimes d’une collision Beached sea turtles, victims of a collision
Tortues marines échouées, victimes d’une collision Beached sea turtles, victims of a collision

Turtles Washed Up On Shore : What To Do

As part of the National Sea Turtle Plan for the conservation
of sea turtles, Aude Berger and Julien Chalifour participated
in training about the beaching of these animals on the shore.
Organized by the ONF and the association, Evasion Tropicale,
the contact for beached turtles in Guadeloupe, this training was
accessible via video conferencing from Saint Martin. It will be
completed in January 2022 by a session held in Guadeloupe
about the necropsy of beached animals.
What to do in the case of a beached turtle? Whether the animal
is dead or injured, it is imperative not to touch it, and
immediately call the Réserve Naturelle at + 0590 6 90 34 77
10 to let them know about the beaching and tell them the exact
location. The agents will handle the details of the beaching:
identification of the species, its size, the probable cause of
death, removal of the animal... All of this information serves to
improve management of the sea turtle population.
In 2021, nine beached turtle cadavers were observed in Saint
Martin, of which seven were possibly the result of a collision
with a boat engine.

Tortues marines échouées, victimes d’une collision Beached sea turtles, victims of a collision
Tortues marines échouées, victimes d’une collision Beached sea turtles, victims of a collision

All articles from: Newsletter-40

To promote the conservation of the sea turtle population

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