Police Blotter


Action SP2​

  • Pursue and Strengthen Environmental Police Missions

In the first trimester of 2023, Police Department agents did 123 patrols at sea, 13 of which did not comply with regulations: non-declared commercial businesses, nocturnal mooring without authorization, and especially the discovery of six traps full of lobsters.

Note: Recreational boats wishing to spend the night at Tintamarre must request permission from the Réserve two days in advance.

A total of 96 terrestrial patrols also took place, of which nine did not comply: kite surfing on the beach in Galion; fishermen on foot along the coast; and the use of five quads on the Baie de l’Embouchure. Penalized on site, the five tourists were fined between 90 and 135 euros by the gendarmes.

All articles from: Newsletter-43

Keeping an eye on the regulations and the level of human activities compatible with the goals of La Réserve

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