Every year, Europe asks its member to suggest projects that can be supported by LIFE, a financial instrument to fund initiatives that are positive for nature, the environment, and the climate. Since the summer of 2022, the scientific department of the Réserve has participated in video conferences—most notably with the National Forestry Office (ONF) and the Herpetological Society of France (SHF), as well as other partners on other islands— whose goal is to present a proposition to the LIFE program for the protection of protected land lizards in the French West Indies. These reptiles include the skink, the grass snake, the iguana delicatissima, the anole, the gecko... The idea is to contribute to the conservation of these populations by creating actions for increasing knowledge, management, and regulation of invasive exotic species, as well as creating public awareness for those who disregard and underestimate the value of our natural heritage. The LIFE funds provide a unique opportunity, without which such major and decisive actions for nature conservation would not be possible on the territorial level.
LIFE: A Project Protecting Land Lizards
All articles from: Newsletter-41
Better Knowledge About Protected Areas And Protected Species
- 1 : Action CS 3 Develop and test programs to restore coral communities and species that depend on the reefs (priority 2)
- 2 : Action CS 3 Develop and test programs to restore coral communities and species that depend on the reefs (priorty 2) Action CC2 Publish and distribute communication materials about our natural heritage (priority 1)
- 3 : Action CS 3 Develop and test programs to restore coral communities and species that depend on the reefs
- 4 : Action CS 3 Develop and test programs to restore coral communities and species that depend on the reefs (priority 2)
- 5 : Action CS 3 Develop and test programs to restore coral communities and species that depend on the reefs
- 6 : Action CS 3 Develop and test programs to restore coral communities and the species that depend on the reefs
- 7 : Action IP6 Develop and test programs to restore coral communities and species that depend on the reefs Action PR2 Develop and value scientific collaborations (priority 1)
- 8 : Action IP6 Contribute to the rehabilitation of coral reefs and sea grass beds
- 9 : Action PA2 Educate the population about the protection of sea turtles (priority 1)
- 10 : Action CS13 Monitoring Sea Turtle Egg-Laying Activity (priority 1)
- 11 : Action C17 Follow the juvenile populations of rays and sharks
- 12 : CS21 Monitoring the reproductive success of brown noddies
- 13 : Maintain or improve local conditions for nesting bird populations
- 14 : Action IP 10 Restore and maintain the natural ecological functioning of humid zones Action IP 11 Replant damaged terrestrial sites and humid zones
- 15 : – Action SP2 Continue and Reinforce Missions by the Environmental Police – Action SP3 Reinforce Collaboration Among The Various Police Forces – Action PA 2 Educate The Population About The Protection Of Marine Turtles
- 16 : Action PA5 Achieve pedagogical interventions in the scholastic environment (priority 1)
- 17 : Action PA5 Achieve pedagogical interventions in the scholastic environment (priority 1) Action MS20 Seeking new means of financing (priority 1)
- 18 : Action PA5 Achieve pedagogical interventions in the scholastic environment (priority 1)
- 19 : Action PA6 Raise public awareness for the goals of the Réserve and our natural heritage Action MS20 Seeking new means of financing (priority 1)
- 20 : Action PA6 Educate the public about the goals of La Réserve and our natural heritage
- 21 : Action PA6 Raise public awareness for the goals of the Réserve and our natural heritage
- 22 : Action PA6 Raise public awareness for the goals of the Réserve and our natural heritage Action MS20 Seeking new means of financing
- 23 : Action CC8 Communicate about the missions and activities of the RNN in the media (Priority 1)
- 24 : Action CS35 Promote The Acquisition of Knowledge at the RNN (priority 1)
- 25 : LIFE: A Project Protecting Land Lizards
Réserve Naturelle Nationale de Saint-Martin
Lot 11 et 13 Rue Barbuda, Hope Estate, 97150 Saint Martin
Gestion : +59 0690 889 909
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Reserve.Naturelle.StMartin
Direction :
Pôle scientifique :
06 90 34 77 10 science@rnsm.org
Partenaires techniques et financiers de la Réserve naturelle
Partenaires techniques et financiers de la Réserve naturelle :
Préfecture de Saint-Barthélemy et de Saint-Martin, Direction de l’environnement, de l’aménagement et du logement (DEAL), Collectivité de Saint-Martin, CAR-SPAW, Agence des aires marines protégées, IFRECOR, TE ME UM
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