The Nature Reserve and Conservatoire’s projects for 2014

Paysage à Babit Point | Babit Point landscape © Béatrice Galdi
Paysage à Babit Point | Babit Point landscape © Béatrice Galdi

A nature trail at Babit Point

As soon as the house ruins have been removed from the site, it is planned to build a nature trail with information signs along it. They will highlight the value of the Melocactus and other floral species, as well as the landscape aspects of the site; its rocky chaos and opening towards the Atlantic Ocean and the island of Saint Barthelemy.

An excellent project for the mouth of the Etang aux Poissons

The site cleaned up

Après la dépolluAfter cleaning up the site of a former sand quarry at the mouth of the Etang aux Poissons, the Conservatoire hopes to achieve an ambitious project of ecological restoration and public reception on the site. This project has, up until now, been delayed, due to a lack of co-financing. The Conservatoire hopes that in 2014 with the help of the State and Europe, it will be able to start this work.


Les aigrettes apprécient l’étang du cimetière | The egrets enjoying the Etang du Cimetière

The Etang du Cimetière in Grand-Case is an important nesting location for egrets, and is going to be equipped with a bird watching hide that will allow the public to observe these beautiful birds in full discretion.

A Fitness Trail

The salt pond in Friar’s Bay

The Neighbourhood Council No. 3 approached the Conservatoire about building a fitness trail around the Etang Guichard, just near to Friar’s Bay Beach, and the Conservatoire is ready to finance the work. However, as it owns the water but not the banks, the Conservatoire will need the authorization of the owners for the right of way.

The protection and revegetation of Grandes Cayes

As the beach of Grandes Cayes is located alongside the road leading to the ecosite for waste treatment, it is unfortunately often used as a dumping ground. The public using this site also tend to park as close to the beach as possible, which prevents natural backshore vegetation from growing. In order to curb these intrusive actions, the Conservatoire intends to begin vegetal restoration of the site, and to place several blocks in key positions to limit vehicle access and stop the far too frequent dumping (for which another perpetrator was fined by the Nature Reserve in December).

La plage de Grandes Cayes... | Grandes Cayes Beach... La plage de Grandes Cayes... | Grandes Cayes Beach...


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Managing The Impact Of Human Activities In Protected Areas

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