The first steps have been taken towards the destruction of the ruins of a house on Babit Point and the old hotel in Galion; an asbestos survey was launched in November by the Conservatoire du Littoral. This preliminary diagnosis is obligatory before demolition of any building constructed before 1997. And if there is any asbestos present, a site cleanup will be obligatory so that this dangerous contaminant cannot spread through the air and the waste that is removed can be placed in an approved site. The Babit Point ruin dates from the 60s and is built on a plot of land that the Conservatoire acquired in April 2013. As soon as the results of the samples, currently being analyzed in a laboratory, are through, the Conservatoire will launch a tender for the demolition of this house that is ruining the landscape. Following the demolition, long-awaited by the residents, a restoration program of the landscape and minerals will be implemented. Concerning the ruins at Galion, dating from the 80s, the Conservatoire unfortunately has to await the outcome of the expropriation proceedings that are pending, before going forward with the destruction. These ruins are located on the edge of one of the most popular beaches on the island, on a site that not only natural but also very ecologically rich.