Fanny Kerninon, interlocutor for IFRECOR for a study on the health of overseas plant beds, has started a thesis whose goal is to create a scientific toolbox to study plant beds. She competed her first mission for this thesis in Saint Martin, where, in concert with agents from the Réserve, she tested her protocol at three stations: the lagoon in Tintamare, Galion Bay close to the Etang aux Poissons, and Rocher Créole, an existing station where the Réserve Naturelle began a scientific study in 2009. Three dives at each station permitted the observation of several parameters in a 50 meter-long corridor: the number of plants and the eventual presence of flowers, algae, or various species of animals. Samples of water and sediment were also collected. Kerninon plans to assemble all of the information available and to test the standard protocol, which she is helping to improve.
A Thesis About Plant Beds
Fanny Kerninon, interlocutrice IFRECOR pour le suivi de l’état de santé des herbiers en outre-mer, débute une thèse dont l’objectif est de produire une boîte à outils “suivi des herbiers”. Elle a réalisé sa première mission dans le cadre de cette thèse à