Action MS20 Seek new means of funding
An internship to optimize the finances of La Réserve
Camille Truc-Delprat, studying for a master’s in the “Economy of the Environment and Its Natural Resources” at the Toulouse School of Economics, is interning at La Réserve Naturelle from May 24 through September 24, 2021. Her goal is to research and propose innovative methods of funding based on the value of the indirect services rendered to the island of Saint Martin by the protected zones of La Réserve Naturelle.
Action MS32 Make the RNN a vector for the promotion of our natural heritage (priority 1)
Thousands of shells as a gift
On February 18, 2021, La Réserve was contacted by a private collector, Mr. Lamorlette, who wanted to donate thousands of seashells. Stored in a garage he had just started renting in Concordia, these shells had been collected or fished locally by the previous occupant of the garage, known by the nickname of Shell Man, and recently deceased. It took four trips with a pickup truck to transport this multitude of shells to the technical services center of La Réserve at Anse Marcel. Sorting is underway and the goal is to create a condensed collection by saving the most beautiful specimens, which would eventually be displayed at the ICBI, and used to illustrate pedagogical presentations. The shells not kept for the collection will be returned to the sea, with an eye toward creating a natural habitat for marine fauna (hermit crabs, alevins…).