Underwater Study Cancelled

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The underwater study for the Réserve Marine de Saint-Barth, which was scheduled for December 7-9, was cancelled due to bad weather conditions. The Réserve de Saint-Martin, representatives of the Réserve de Petite-Terre and of CREOCEAN had come to lend a hand to the Territorial Environmental Agency of Saint Barth, as part of their annual cooperation linked to the underwater study of marine parks. The divers tried, but without success, to unroll 150 meters of graduated ribbon along the transect. Explication: the strong swells present around the Northern Islands at the end of the year contributed to the movement of a large quantity of sediment displaced by Irma. Suspended in the water again, it caused a lot of turbidity, but also marks a progressive restructuration of the underwater milieu, under the effect of the swells and currents, towards a return to normal. The study has been postponed until February 2018.

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