The third session of the Negara program - as in Negaprion, the scientific name for the lemon shark - took place from May 18-23, 2015, once again under the leadership of Oceane Beaufort, an expert in this large cartilaginous fish currently seen in their juvenile stage along the island’s beaches, where they come into more frequent contact with swimmers. A team from the Réserve Naturelle and this young scientist turned their attention to the lagoon south of the small island of Tintamare, where they tested a fishnet acquired by the Réserve Naturelle, in the hopes of capturing a lemon shark without hurting it. This technique is less aggressive than fishing with a hook, but is sometimes difficult to succeed in a rocky zone or where there is a lot of sargassum seaweed. Only one shark was caught and was marked twice: once on its fin and with a chip under its skin. The absence of juvenile lemon sharks marked at this site in 2014 remains a mystery. Did they migrate? Were they victims of hurricane Gonzalo or of a predator? The interest in marking the sharks lies in the hope of getting answers to the many questions that we have about this little-know species.
Shark tank

All articles from: Newsletter-24
Better Knowledge About Protected Areas And Protected Species
- 1 : Edito Newsletter 24
- 2 : Pacotilles sponges up
- 3 : Shark tank
- 4 : Sasha and Joe followed from outer space
- 5 : Iguanas in La Désirade
- 6 : Monkeys without borders
- 7 : Babit Point: phase one completed
- 8 : Back to nature at Galion
- 9 : Fewer rats and mice on Pinel and Tintamare
- 10 : Ecological toilets on Pinel
- 11 : An impudent gardener
- 12 : No respect for the law
- 13 : 8 conch spared
- 14 : Baby coral doing well
- 15 : Sargassum: seeking a sustainable Solution
- 16 : An intentional fire on Pinel
- 17 : A fourth bird observatory, at Chevrise
- 18 : A new recruit
- 19 : Together we stand
- 20 : A win-win proposition
- 21 : Agoa management council at work
- 22 : REMMOA looks at marine species from on high
- 23 : Three islands in a videoconference
- 24 : British overseas meeting
- 25 : BEST: the Réserve represented in Brussels
- 26 : BEST reinforces its support of ultramarine biodiversity
- 27 : BEST consultations continue
Réserve Naturelle Nationale de Saint-Martin
Lot 11 et 13 Rue Barbuda, Hope Estate, 97150 Saint Martin
Gestion : +59 0690 889 909
Direction :
Pôle scientifique :
06 90 34 77 10
Partenaires techniques et financiers de la Réserve naturelle
Partenaires techniques et financiers de la Réserve naturelle :
Préfecture de Saint-Barthélemy et de Saint-Martin, Direction de l’environnement, de l’aménagement et du logement (DEAL), Collectivité de Saint-Martin, CAR-SPAW, Agence des aires marines protégées, IFRECOR, TE ME UM
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