Action CS13 Monitoring Sea Turtle Egg-Laying Activity (priority 1)

Eco-Volunteers Answer The Call To Duty

More than 40 eco-Volunteers participated on April 15, 2022 at the first informational meeting about the study of sea turtles, as led by Julien Chalifour, head of the scientific department at Réserve Naturelle. The beach patrols are already and regularly on watch along the beaches, where they are looking for eventual tracks of sea turtles who came to lay their eggs, and the presence of nests throughout the egg-laying season, March 1 to November 30, according to the species: leatherback sea turtle, hawksbill sea turtle, or green sea turtle. At the end of September, there were 417 patrols and the observation of 146 traces of egg-laying activities.

All articles from: Newsletter-41

To promote the conservation of the sea turtle population

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