Since 2007, the Réserve Naturelle has done an annual scientific study of the reefs and plant beds. This took place this year on September 9-12, with the support of a staff member from the Réserve Guadeloupéenne de Petite-Terre. He came to help the staff in Saint Martin document the evolution and state of these coral and sea plant communities, at stations inside and outside of the Réserve. As usual, this kind of collaboration will see the staff from Saint Martin similarly lend a hand in Saint Barth and Petite-Terre. This year, this ongoing study was augmented by a study of groupers, as part of the LIFE program, at four of the eight sites visited. These sites will also be the object of a bi-annual study throughout the LIFE program, until 2023
A helping hand between Reserves
Compagnonnage entre réserves

A helping hand between Reserves