Camaraderie With French Guiana

Enquête auprès d’un professionnel
Enquête auprès d’un professionnel | Survey with a professional

Action CS3, IP6 et PR2

  • Develop and test the revitalization of coral and related species (priority 2)
  • Contribute to the rejuvenation of the coral reefs and seagrass beds
  • Develop and appreciate scientific collaborations (priority 1)

Two members of the Study Group For The Protection of Birds in French Guiana came to lend a hand to the management team at the Réserve Naturelle on April 22 and 29, 2023 to achieve two goals related to LIFE BIODIV’OM project.

The first of these goals was to share knowledge between French Guiana and Saint Martin concerning the territorial dialogue, and means of consultation, mediation, and negotiation on environmental questions, and in this case, specifically the Giant Grouper and the Nassau Grouper. The second goal concerned the creation of a questionnaire for professionals involved with groupers. They were given various promotional materials related to the LIFE BIODIV’OM project underway in Saint Martin. Eleven bilateral meetings were held with 16 socio-economic experts on the island: professional and leisure fishermen, diving clubs, tourism operators, restaurateurs...

The local staff was enriched by their exchange with those from French Guiana, where she will soon go for a planning session with all those involved in drafting the best joint management policy for the grouper.

All articles from: Newsletter-43

To promote the conservation of the coral reefs and related species

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