BEST consultations continue

L’équipe de BEST a rencontré la Martinique The BEST team has met with Martinique
L’équipe de BEST a rencontré la Martinique The BEST team has met with Martinique

The consultations led by Romain Renoux and Amandine Vaslet are continuing throughout the Caribbean. After Saint Barthélemy, Guadeloupe, the six Dutch islands, and Anguilla, the project BEST team worked with local representatives in Martinique, the British Virgin Islands, and Saint Martin. The goal is to meet the largest possible group of those active in the protection of the natural environment, present project BEST to them and gather their reactions and their projects for biodiversity conservation. Even is the issues are different, the methodology remains the same. The goal is to define various priorities, especially taking into consideration endangered and endemic species, and ecosystems. Maps allow for clear visualization of the key zones on land and at sea for biodiversity, reflecting a major ecological role. In Saint Martin, trans-frontier challenges with Sint Maarten should be underlined

Participants at BEST meetings
In Martinique: The Parc Naturel Régional and the two national nature reserves, DEAL, the Conseil Régional, The Agency for Protected Marine Areas, Martinique Entomologie, and the OcéAnvironnement association. In Tortola (BVI): BVI National Trust, the Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, the Conservation and Fisheries Department, the Agriculture Department, as well as several local associations and experts. One meeting was held with the governor of the BVI’s, to present project BEST. In Saint Martin: the Collectivity of Saint Martin, the Prefecture, the Réserve Naturelle, the Conservatoire du Littoral, and the associations «Les fruits de mer» and «Mon école, ma baleine.»
L’équipe de BEST a rencontré Saint-Martin... The BEST team has met with Saint Martin...
L’équipe de BEST a rencontré Saint-Martin... The BEST team has met with Saint Martin...

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