Saint Martin and Nature reserves in Sydney

Paysage australien
The Australian landscape

On November 12-19, 2014, In Sydney, Australia, the International Union For Conservation of Nature (IUCN) held the World Parks Congress. Held once every ten years it attracts the leading players involved in the protection of nature, with 6000 attendees from 70 countries, including Saint Martin, represented by Nicolas Maslach, in his role as a member of the board of the Forum of Protected Marine Areas, which financed his trip. The director of the Réserve spoke publicly on several occasions to present various activities of the Réserve, especially in the field of protected area management, their governing, actions that promote conservation of biodiversity, and the fight against climate change. For Maslach, the congress provided an occasion to meet Australian managers of protected areas and better understand their efforts and their tools for the development of their immense coastline.

The IUCN’s green list for protected areas was inaugurated in Sydney. This list, celebrating the success of these protected areas, will serve as a standard by which to measure green initiatives thanks to efficient and equitable management. The list recognizes innovation, excellence, and the spirit of initiation. In the absence of the Réserve Naturelle Marine of Banyuls, which figures on the list, Nicolas Maslach received the «Green List» prize from the Australian environmental minister. The Réserve Naturelle of Saint Martin will present its candidature for this list in 2016.

All articles from: Newsletter-22

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