Journal de La Réserve Naturelle Nationale de St.Martin #44

32 Réserve Naturelle SAINT MARTIN Action PA6 – Raise public awareness about the objectives of the NR and natural heritage Action PA7 – Continue and develop a participatory science program On October 3, 2023, the portal celebrated one year of existence and 20,000 obser- vations on West Indian fauna submitted by nearly 180 observers. This portal, which includes the site (Fauna Saint Barthélemy-Saint Martin) financially supported by the Life BIODIV’OM project and led by the League for the Protection of Birds (LPO), aims to consolidate data on West Indian fauna. The goal is twofold: on one hand, to enrich the base of scientific knowledge related to local species and, on the other hand, to inform conservation strategies for increased protection of these vulnerable ecosystems. A promotional video of the local site of Saint Martin and Saint Barthélemy was produced jointly by LPO France and the Saint Martin Nature Reserve Management Association. This communication tool aims to increase the visibility of and to encourage broader participation from residents and visitors of these two islands. Available on YouTube as well as on the Facebook pages of Life BIODIV’OM and the Saint Martin reserve, this video is a call to action for all nature lovers and defenders of biodiversity. Faune-Sbsm.Org: The Portal To Defend Biodiversity © Julien Chalifour © Julien Chalifour Faune Sbsm to share and discover our biodiversity