Journal de La Réserve Naturelle Nationale de St.Martin #44

30 Réserve Naturelle SAINT MARTIN Action PA6 – Raise public awareness about the objectives of the RNN (Réserve Naturelle Nationale) and natural heritage Action PA8 – Participate in local events National Resilience Day was celebrated in Saint Martin on October 7, 2023, along the Marigot waterfront, at an animation village created on the initiative of the prefecture. The concept of resilience, often invoked in the field of psychology, describes the remarkable ability of an individual or a system to rebuild and regain its original balance following upheavals or crises. In nature, resilience characterizes the ability of an ecosystem to absorb disturbances, to regenerate, and to return to normal and balanced functioning after having suffered a disruptive event. Requested to animate a booth, the AGRNSM presented several of the actions it has carried out following major events – hurricanes, coral bleaching, pollution – to ensure the conservation of the island’s natural heritage. The objective being to fuel public awareness of the inter- dependence of nature and society on our small island, Julien Chalifour and Vincent Oliva discussed with the public the issues related to these major events, the role of observing the health of habitats and species, the actions of restoration and public awareness aimed at overcoming these incidents. For them, it was about highlighting the fact that a healthy environment guarantees the quality of our living environment and contributes to the safety of the population. Thus, a dense and healthy mangrove significantly attenuates the destructive energy of cyclonic swell and also protects the coastline and its homes. A Day For The Resilience Of Nature