Journal de La Réserve Naturelle Nationale de St.Martin #44

24 Réserve Naturelle SAINT MARTIN Action SP2 – Continue and strengthen the environmental policing missions During the year 2023, the commissioned and sworn agents of the reserve carried out 204 sea patrols, identifying 24 non-compliant controls: undeclared commercial companies, unauthorized nocturnal moorings, fishing activities, drone usages, prohibited in this protected space. Note: For pleasure boaters wishing to moor at Tintamarre in the evening, the AGRNSM reminds of the need to submit a request at least three days in advance. 152 terrestrial patrols took place, resulting in 24 non-compliant controls: kite surfing on Galion beach, drone usages, shoreline fishing, areas where regulations aim to protect endemic fauna and flora... Police Actions • An official report was issued by the environmental police unit on November 21 against a commercial company whose French-flagged boat was operating without authorization in the waters of the natural reserve. • A Sint Maarten company owning several motorboats was suspended from operating in the natural reserve for two weeks. This sanction followed a violation of the mooring regulations, which require anchors to be placed more than 20 meters from the beach of Tintamarre. The boat in question had anchored only 10 meters from the beach, endangering the marine ecosystem and the safety of swimmers. Pêche interdite dans la réserve naturelle Fishing prohibited in the nature reserve