Journal de La Réserve Naturelle Nationale de St.Martin #44

11 Réserve Naturelle SAINT MARTIN As part of the ReCorEA Saint Martin program, the replanting of mangrove seedlings from the reserve’s nursery continues around the Saline d’Orient and the Fish Pond, notably with the “educational marine areas” classes, or on the site of the “Mangrove Nursery” project by AGRNSM agents, but also thanks to the commercial company Seagrapes Tours, which invites its tourist clients to participate in the restoration of the mangrove. In parallel, 33 “eco-delegate” students from the Robert Weinum high school were made aware of the fragility of coral reefs, seagrass beds, and mangroves during a visit between the Grandes Cayes beach, the mangrove nursery, the Saline d’Orient pond and the Embouchure bay. The next step of the project will be the implementation of a mangrove monitoring protocol, in connection with the tropical wetlands hub of the French Committee of IUCN, at the beginning of the year 2024. Clément Bonnardel et les écodélégués du lycée sur le terrain Clément Bonnardel and the high school eco-delegates in the field Action CS3 – Develop and test coral reef rehabilitation and associated species (priority 2) Action IP6 – Contribute to the rehabilitation of coral reefs and seagrasses Action PR2 – Develop and enhance scientific collaborations (priority 1) The Recorea Project Is Making Great Strides