Journal de La Réserve Naturelle Nationale de St.Martin #35

34 Invited to the Senate by senator Michel Magras, president of the overseas com- mission, and by the French Agency for Biodiversity, Nicolas Maslach actively parti- cipated in a symposium on June 6, 2019, on the biodiversity of the Atlantic basin, which was also attended byAnnick Girardin, French Overseas Minister. This symposiumwas part of a cycle on overseas biodiversity, intended to make politicians aware of the assets and weaknesses of the natural heritage in these far-off islands, as well as the stakes, challen- ges, and perspectives to be considered. The director of the Réserve Naturelle spoke on two subjects, each illustrated by a video. The first was a look at BioHab2, the artifi- cial habitat submerged in the waters of the Réserve and constituted of post-Irma debris, decontaminated if necessary and recycled. Today, these innovative structures allow fish and crustaceans to take refuge and improve their conditions for survival. The second pre- sentation by Nicolas Maslach addressed the Caribbean Institute for Insular Biodiversity. The video for this presentation can be found online: f6f0bad3618.biodiversites-du-bassin-at- lantique?timecode=15363000 Double Presentation By the Réserve In the Senate Réserve Naturelle SAINT MARTIN Nicolas Maslach speaking at the Senate Renforcer l’ancrage territorial et régional de laRéserve / Reinforcing local and regional commitment to theRéserve