Journal de La Réserve Naturelle Nationale de St.Martin #35

32 Nicolas Maslach, director of the Réserve Naturelle of Saint Martin was among the 300 representatives including experts, organi- zations, and partners at the meeting for the French committee of the UICN (International UnionForTheConservationofNature),which was held on June 12, 2019 in Marseille. The goal of this meeting was to prepare for the World Nature Congress of the UICN, sche- duled for June 11-19, 2020 in Marseille. This event included the discussion of 28 recom- mendations concerning some of the biggest challenges in terms of the conservation of nature on a worldwide basis. The Réserve Naturelle is going to present its candidature for the UICN’s Green List, as it did in 2017, sadly right before hurricane Irma hit the island. This Green List includes 46 sites, 14 of which are in mainland and overseas France. The UICN’s Green List of Protected Areas sets the global standard for best practices for conservation by zone. It includes a system of certification for protec- ted areas (national parks, worldwide natural heritage sites, areas protected by their com- munities, marine parks, etc.) that are properly managed and promote a positive approach to conservation. The Réserve Goes To Marseille With The UICN Réserve Naturelle SAINT MARTIN The French UICN committee © UICN Renforcer l’ancrage territorial et régional de laRéserve / Reinforcing local and regional commitment to theRéserve The International Union For The Conservation of Nature (UICN), founded in 1948inFontainebleau, isanallianceofmore than 1,300 member organizations and 10,000 experts, inmore than 160 countries. Created in 1992, the French Committee of the UICN is a network of participating UICN organizations and experts in France. It comprises two ministries, eight public organizations, 42 non-governmental orga- nizations, and more than 250 experts. Its goal is to contribute to the conservation of biodiversity and to the sustainable and fair use of natural resources, in keeping with the global mission of the UICN.