Journal de La Réserve Naturelle Nationale de St.Martin #35

28 Destroyed by hurricane Irma, various items put in place by the Réserve Naturelle are progressivelybeing replacedandmadeavai- lable for use. On Tintamare, where only three wooden tables remained, two new ones are now ready for those who want to picnic on the island. Others will be happy to see that three identical tables have been installed on Pinel, two between the restaurants and the third to the right of the embarcadero, in the shadow of a pretty catalpa tree. The five pieces of furniture were made by students in the carpentry andwoodworking atelier at the polyvalent high school, as were the previous tables. A huge thanks to these kids on behalf of the Réserve Naturelle! Five Picnic Tables For Tintamare and Pinel Réserve Naturelle SAINT MARTIN Transport maritime pour les tables - Marine transport for the tables Optimizingmanagementmeans