Journal de La Réserve Naturelle Nationale de St.Martin #35

12 Formerly included in the local committee for IFRECOR (French Initiative For Coral Reefs) in Guadeloupe, Saint Barth has had its own local committee since October 2018. This group met for the first time on April 12, 2019 in Gustavia, under the aegis of the Territorial Environmental Agency (ATE). Julien Chalifour, director of the scientific division of Réserve Naturelle of Saint Martin, participated in this first meeting, at which time the ATE and the Collectivité of Saint Barth formalized their partnership with IFRECOR and the French Agency for Biodiversity (AFB), while brin- ging together all those concerned on the island, in order to establish study groups in conjunction with scientific experts. At the end of these technical workshops, the challenges of preservation of the coral reef and marine plant beds were identified as the main issues and given priority, in order to determine the best actions to get started and ensure their conservation. Saint Barth: Its Own Role In IFRECOR Réserve Naturelle SAINT MARTIN Favoriser la conservationdes récifs coralliens et des espèces associées / Topromote the conservationof the coral reefs and related species Récif corallien à Saint-Barth - The coral reef in Saint Barth © ATE